Saturday, February 9, 2013

Gossamer Blue: Project 12, the January Edition

I love the idea of Project: Life. The idea is fantastic. However, I don't really have the time. And currently, with two kids three and under, the energy. I have the tools. I got sleeves last Christmas, and bought a few more sets of the other sizes. So when Gossamer Blue started their Project 12, I knew that I could keep this version up. I started in December making a title page for the book. And officially started January 2013.
While I know that most people aren't going to be interested in the silly things that I or my family does, I know that my children one day will. I think it's going to be nice for them to read about what really went on each month.
I decided to put a "Highlights" section in each month. Not all events are photographed, and not all I really need to. However, I wanted to let the girls know that we did do events each month.
I used phone photos for this. It was fun being able to snap pics throughout the month of cute things the girls did, silly stuff to remember, Hipstamatic pics of random things.
And journaling. In my own handwriting. With a little bit of die-cuts from my Cameo. <3 br="">
I hope that you enjoyed seeing just a few of my fun little sections. While it's out of my normal scrapbooking style, it was lots of fun to do. Pin It

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